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UN World Food Program Wins Nobel Peace Prize in 2020

Why this matters to plant-based food businesses

October 11, 2020

Why do we go to war?

I think the main reason we go to war is because of resources or ideology.
When it comes to resources, let's start with the most basic - FOOD!
Do you think we will go to war when our stomachs are full and we have a fair chance to thrive?

Today, in 2020 in the midst of COVID-19, the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to the World Food Programme. Well done to the World Food Program for everything they are doing for creating a world with #zerohunger.

This is a significant achievement, milestone, and recognition of how much food security, hunger and inequality play a part in violence and war.

But here's the thing - we have enough food to feed more than 10 Billion of us. But we use the food to feed animals and then we eat the animal.

We need to find another way.

The other way is #alternateproteins. Whether it's #plantbased #cellbased #mycoprotein. It doesn't matter. And we are doing it!

All forms of alternate proteins are not only saving the environment, creating greater public health, and ending factory farming animals, they also support the #zerohunger objective of the UN World Food Program.

Having founded a community of over 2000 members in #vstars. I have seen people adopt a plant-based diet for all these reasons.

Each of these reasons are distinct and there are many members of the public are yet to hear about why they should care about your products.

It’s time to share.